WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG Planer und Ingenieure AG

Motivated people take care of your request.

RA Reto Affolter

Head of Spatial, Traffic and Environmental Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 37

BUR Roman Bur

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Deputy Manager Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Site Manager

+41 32 625 27 38

FA Patrick Fahrni

Civil Engineer FH
Business Economist NDS HF
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 03

KM Michael Karli

Civil Engineer ETH SIA
Head of Structural Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 09

GK Gilles Kehrli

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Head of Timber Construction
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 20

RED Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Redzovic

Civil Engineer TU SIA FGSV
Project Supervisor, Expert

+41 32 625 27 33

REM Tomasz Remus

Civil engineer FH MBA SIA
Head of Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Supervisor of Apprentice System

+41 32 625 27 43

AA Alexander Ackermann

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 46

BIS Sacha Bibba

Civil Engineer BSc FH
+41 31 326 43 27

GLO Glorija Brnic

Construction Draughtswoman
+41 31 326 43 13

NOB Noe Brotschi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 51

FCA Fabian Cavin

Timber-Construction Engineer HES grad.
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 29

CUN Nancy Canuto Diener

Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 54

DD Daniel Dietschi

Technician HF Construction Planning
Construction Draughtsman

+41 31 326 43 10

FF Fabienne Fahrni

+41 31 326 43 01

UF Urs Füllemann

Wood Technician BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 32

SG Sarah Gaillard

Civil Engineer MSc ETH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 22

EG Elia Grolimund

Construction Draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 42

HB Benjamin Haefeli

Civil engineer MSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 11

AH Angela Hiller

Dipl. Engineer Spatial and Environmental TU
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 50

MAH Matthew Hockley

Civil Engineer MA (Cantab) MEng SIA
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 24

LH Luca Huber

Construction draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 52

MH Mathieu Hulliger

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 19

AJ Asan Jashari

Technician TS, BIM-Expert
+41 31 326 43 02

JOR Janick Jordi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 55

DIA Diana Kazandjian

LK Karol Lazarczyk

Master of Science in Wood Technology FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 28

LN Nadia Löw

Civil Engineer FH
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 40

MAT Atiqullah Masumy

SAM Samuel Mázor

Civil Engineer MSc FH
+41 32 625 27 58

LM Laura Messerli

Construction Draughtswoman
+41 31 326 43 25

MM Mirko Murarotto

Construction Draughtsman, Designer
+41 31 326 43 15

DN David Nyffenegger

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 21

CHO Christian Oberli

Geomatical Engineer ETH
Deputy Manager Spatial, Traffic and Environmental Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 53

JP Janosch Pflipsen

Construction draughtsman
+41 31 326 43 31

PP Peter Podorieszach

Geomatician, Construction Draughtsman, Planner Assistant
+41 32 625 27 36

DRE Dario Redzovic

MSc Mobilität und Infrastruktur KIT
+41 32 625 27 45

NRE Nela Redzovic

+41 32 625 27 27

CRI Christian Rieland

+41 31 326 43 43

SEB Sebastian Rüegg

+41 32 625 27 27

JOS Jonas Schaad

Construction Draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 56

MS Michael Schiess

Civil Engineer MSc ETH SIA
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 08

PAS Patrick Schweizer

Dipl. Techniker HF
Bauführung Holzbau

+41 31 326 43 34

SL Léonie Siegenthaler

Construction Draughtswoman, Vocational Trainer
+41 31 326 43 17

ASP Arno Spring

+41 31 326 43 43

AS Adrian Staudenmann

Civil Engineer FH SIA
Project Supervisor
Specialist Speaker Technician HF, Site Manager HFP

+41 31 326 43 06

LAS Larissa Stirnimann

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning
Vocational Trainer

+41 32 625 27 47

AT Adrian Tschopp

Dipl. Civil Engineer ETH SIA SWB
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 23

VO Adrian Vollenweider

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Construction Manager

+41 32 625 27 41

AVU Aline Vuille

+41 32 625 27 27

MVB Michael von Büren

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Construction Manager

+41 32 625 27 44

PWA Patricia Walter

+41 32 625 27 01

NW Nick Weber

Construction Draughtsman, Designer
+41 31 326 43 05

WIS Simon Wiediger

Construction Draughtswoman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 18

UW Urs Witschi

IT Supervisor, Marketing
+41 32 625 27 34

LUW Lui Wyss

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 30

PW Peter Wyss

Construction Draughtsman
+41 31 326 43 07

KIX Freskina Xhemaili

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 49

KAY Kaan Yildirim

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 48

FZ Fabrice Zaugg

Construction Draughtsman
41 31 326 43 26

RZ Roland Zeller

Civil Engineer ETH HTL SIA
Deputy Manager Structural Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 12

RA Reto Affolter

Head of Spatial, Traffic and Environmental Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 37

BUR Roman Bur

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Deputy Manager Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Site Manager

+41 32 625 27 38

FA Patrick Fahrni

Civil Engineer FH
Business Economist NDS HF
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 03

KM Michael Karli

Civil Engineer ETH SIA
Head of Structural Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 09

GK Gilles Kehrli

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Head of Timber Construction
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 20

RED Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Redzovic

Civil Engineer TU SIA FGSV
Project Supervisor, Expert

+41 32 625 27 33

REM Tomasz Remus

Civil engineer FH MBA SIA
Head of Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Supervisor of Apprentice System

+41 32 625 27 43

NRE Nela Redzovic

+41 32 625 27 27

PWA Patricia Walter

+41 32 625 27 01

FF Fabienne Fahrni

+41 31 326 43 01

DIA Diana Kazandjian

UW Urs Witschi

IT Supervisor, Marketing
+41 32 625 27 34

RA Reto Affolter

Head of Spatial, Traffic and Environmental Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 37

CHO Christian Oberli

Geomatical Engineer ETH
Deputy Manager Spatial, Traffic and Environmental Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 53

NOB Noe Brotschi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 51

CUN Nancy Canuto Diener

Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 54

AH Angela Hiller

Dipl. Engineer Spatial and Environmental TU
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 50

PP Peter Podorieszach

Geomatician, Construction Draughtsman, Planner Assistant
+41 32 625 27 36

RED Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Redzovic

Civil Engineer TU SIA FGSV
Project Supervisor, Expert

+41 32 625 27 33

SEB Sebastian Rüegg

+41 32 625 27 27

AVU Aline Vuille

+41 32 625 27 27

WIS Simon Wiediger

Construction Draughtswoman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 18

LUW Lui Wyss

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 30

KIX Freskina Xhemaili

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 49

REM Tomasz Remus

Civil engineer FH MBA SIA
Head of Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Supervisor of Apprentice System

+41 32 625 27 43

BUR Roman Bur

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Deputy Manager Infrastructural Civil Engineering
Project Supervisor, Site Manager

+41 32 625 27 38

RED Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Redzovic

Civil Engineer TU SIA FGSV
Project Supervisor, Expert

+41 32 625 27 33

AA Alexander Ackermann

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 46

NOB Noe Brotschi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 51

EG Elia Grolimund

Construction Draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 42

LH Luca Huber

Construction draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 52

JOR Janick Jordi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 55

LN Nadia Löw

Civil Engineer FH
Project Supervisor

+41 32 625 27 40

SAM Samuel Mázor

Civil Engineer MSc FH
+41 32 625 27 58

PP Peter Podorieszach

Geomatician, Construction Draughtsman, Planner Assistant
+41 32 625 27 36

DRE Dario Redzovic

MSc Mobilität und Infrastruktur KIT
+41 32 625 27 45

JOS Jonas Schaad

Construction Draughtsman
+41 32 625 27 56

LAS Larissa Stirnimann

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning
Vocational Trainer

+41 32 625 27 47

VO Adrian Vollenweider

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Construction Manager

+41 32 625 27 41

MVB Michael von Büren

Dipl. Technician HF Construction Planning Civil Engineering
Construction Manager

+41 32 625 27 44

WIS Simon Wiediger

Construction Draughtswoman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 18

LUW Lui Wyss

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 30

KIX Freskina Xhemaili

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 49

KAY Kaan Yildirim

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 48

KM Michael Karli

Civil Engineer ETH SIA
Head of Structural Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 09

RZ Roland Zeller

Civil Engineer ETH HTL SIA
Deputy Manager Structural Planning
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 12

FA Patrick Fahrni

Civil Engineer FH
Business Economist NDS HF
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 03

BIS Sacha Bibba

Civil Engineer BSc FH
+41 31 326 43 27

GLO Glorija Brnic

Construction Draughtswoman
+41 31 326 43 13

NOB Noe Brotschi

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 51

FCA Fabian Cavin

Timber-Construction Engineer HES grad.
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 29

DD Daniel Dietschi

Technician HF Construction Planning
Construction Draughtsman

+41 31 326 43 10

UF Urs Füllemann

Wood Technician BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 32

SG Sarah Gaillard

Civil Engineer MSc ETH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 22

HB Benjamin Haefeli

Civil engineer MSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 11

MAH Matthew Hockley

Civil Engineer MA (Cantab) MEng SIA
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 24

MH Mathieu Hulliger

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 19

AJ Asan Jashari

Technician TS, BIM-Expert
+41 31 326 43 02

GK Gilles Kehrli

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Head of Timber Construction
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 20

LK Karol Lazarczyk

Master of Science in Wood Technology FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 28

MAT Atiqullah Masumy

MM Mirko Murarotto

Construction Draughtsman, Designer
+41 31 326 43 15

LM Laura Messerli

Construction Draughtswoman
+41 31 326 43 25

DN David Nyffenegger

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 21

JP Janosch Pflipsen

Construction draughtsman
+41 31 326 43 31

MS Michael Schiess

Civil Engineer MSc ETH SIA
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 08

SL Léonie Siegenthaler

Construction Draughtswoman, Vocational Trainer
+41 31 326 43 17

ASP Arno Spring

+41 31 326 43 43

AS Adrian Staudenmann

Civil Engineer FH SIA
Project Supervisor
Specialist Speaker Technician HF, Site Manager HFP

+41 31 326 43 06

AT Adrian Tschopp

Dipl. Civil Engineer ETH SIA SWB
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 23

NW Nick Weber

Construction Draughtsman, Designer
+41 31 326 43 05

WIS Simon Wiediger

Construction Draughtswoman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 18

LUW Lui Wyss

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 31 326 43 30

PW Peter Wyss

Construction Draughtsman
+41 31 326 43 07

KIX Freskina Xhemaili

Construction Draughtsman Apprentice
+41 32 625 27 49

FZ Fabrice Zaugg

Construction Draughtsman
41 31 326 43 26

GK Gilles Kehrli

Civil Engineer BSc FH
Head of Timber Construction
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 20

FCA Fabian Cavin

Timber-Construction Engineer HES grad.
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 29

UF Urs Füllemann

Wood Technician BSc FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 32

LK Karol Lazarczyk

Master of Science in Wood Technology FH
Project Supervisor

+41 31 326 43 28

CRI Christian Rieland

+41 31 326 43 43

PAS Patrick Schweizer

Dipl. Techniker HF
Bauführung Holzbau

+41 31 326 43 34