WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG Planer und Ingenieure AG

Structural Engineering

Basel Bahnhof (Foto: Caspar Martig GmbH)
Basel Bahnhof (Foto: Caspar Martig GmbH)
Deisswil, Areal Bernapark
Deisswil, Areal Bernapark
Zürich Hauptbahnhof, Generalsanierung Südtrakt
Zürich Hauptbahnhof, Generalsanierung Südtrakt
Biel, Innovationspark
Biel, Innovationspark
Schaffhausen, Stadthausgeviert - Umbau und Sanierung
Schaffhausen, Stadthausgeviert - Umbau und Sanierung
Luzern, Hotel Palace - Gesamtsanierung
Luzern, Hotel Palace - Gesamtsanierung
Gesamtsanierung Schweizerische Nationalbank Bern
Gesamtsanierung Schweizerische Nationalbank Bern
Basel, Alte Gewerbeschule - Instandsetzung und Erweiterung
Basel, Alte Gewerbeschule - Instandsetzung und Erweiterung
Zollikofen, Schulhausstrasse 27 - Wohnüberbauung (Ersatzneubau)
Zollikofen, Schulhausstrasse 27 - Wohnüberbauung (Ersatzneubau)
Bern, Weltpostpark
Bern, Weltpostpark
Langendorf, Schulraumerweiterung
Langendorf, Schulraumerweiterung
Bern, Schulanlage Spitalacker
Bern, Schulanlage Spitalacker
Brügg, Betonsanierung Rainpark
Brügg, Betonsanierung Rainpark

An essential task of structural engineering includes the structural design. Supporting structures are mainly defined by the use intended. But it also has a significant influence on the design of a building and its significance. On the one hand, our tasks is to influence the appearance of a building. On the other hand it is to be ensured that the structure is providing the required safety and usability.

Michael Karli

Team supervisor

KM Michael Karli

+41 31 326 43 09
Roland Zeller


RZ Roland Zeller

+41 31 326 43 12


Structural safety

In a usage agreement, the engineer and client determine which measures should be taken to counteract any possible hazards. In addition to safety parameters in the calculation of the supporting structure, these may also be provisions for the source of danger, monitoring or warning systems.


Functionality, durability, appearance and behaviour of a structure in use must be within standardised limits. The engineer must evaluate possible influences such as deformations, vibrations, corrosion, frost, water, cracks, etc., recognise the effects and provide for any measures. 


The conservation, conversion and increase in use of existing buildings is of great importance today. Often, sophisticated interventions in the supporting structure are required. If design plans and static calculations are lacking, it is up to the engineer to determine the existing support structure. New uses should be integrated as well as possible into the existing building fabric. Modifications in terms of choice of material and possibilities of load transfer, however, must be optimally adapted to the existing structure. 

Quality assurance

Quality assurance begins with the choice of materials, the determination of specific requirements and the correct design details. During execution, material supplies must be checked and installation checked. The engineer coordinates measures to check the final condition of the materials on the finished structure and evaluates the results. The builder must know how to maintain his building, how often to check cement joins, rinse drainage lines and check seals. The construction management, with the help of the specialists, draws up a monitoring and maintenance plan that lists the appropriate measures.