Space Traffic Environment
Construction projects require a corresponding legal basis at the level of use planning as a prerequisite for a building permit. In addition, the effects of a project on development, traffic volume, environment etc. must be identified, assessed and optimised. Our job is to assist private investors and the public sector in the use planning process, to show different solutions due to extensive spatial analysis and to work out designed planning instruments.

Space Traffic Environment
- Alle
- Beratung / Projektmanagement
- development planning
- planning of overall projects
- geographic information system GIS / spatial analysis
- traffic safety
- noise protection
- parking-space concepts
- public transport
- planning of traffic facilities
- land use and layout plans
- environmental sustainability / environmental impact assessment
- trafic records and analysis
- Wettbewerbe
Spatial development
With the revised Federal Law on Spatial Planning, the demand for space and in particular the housing development has increased. The goals are to handle soil more carefully, to direct settlement development inwards and to create compact settlements. At the same time settlement and traffic should be better coordinated with each other, and landscapes and agricultural areas should be protected. Only with an interdisciplinary approach and with strong involvement of the planning authority and the local population (political relevance) coherent proposals and corresponding planning tools can be developed for areal, local or regional planning.
Functional and environmentally friendly traffic solutions
The task of traffic planners is to take into account the requirements for changing the locations of people and goods and to recognise and record the resulting effects on society and the environment. To satisfy specific transport requirements — from pedestrians to public transport — requires a holistic approach and conclusive system solutions. All types of traffic must be analysed and coordinated with regard to their operational aspects and their effects beyond infrastructure issues.
Assessment of environmental effects
The handling of ecological questions and the assessment of the ecological relevance of interventions require not only professional competence but also the ability for interdisciplinary cooperation due to the high complexity of the systems. One focus of our operations is the diverse planning in the topic of water protection and hydro engineering. WAM follows a long tradition of surveying traffic issues and the associated effects on noise and air hygiene. Comprehensively, ecological issues are dealt with when assessing the environmental effects of projects. We accompany applicants for an EIA-compliant installation already in the development phase of the project, often during design-planning procedures, too.